Friday, 30 March 2018

Dhayadevadas is business competitor - Documents and export does not comes under the purview of Mining Law

In fact, Export of Minerals does not comes under the purview of MMDR Act. This has been confirmed by Govt., of India, Ministry of Mines also which is given below.

Indian Garnet Sand Company Private Limited - On the Article of Association page 11, reflects the Directors Name.

Sri. D.Dhayadevadas and his wife G. Jebakani and R.Dhanukodi Athithan (Member of Parliament) and his wife Indira Devi. Four persons are share holder and Director.

In the Southern Enterprises Mr.Dhayadevadas and Dhanuskodi Athithan wife Indira Devi are partners.

Since Dhanuskodi Athithan is Congress MP and Congress Central Minister, he use his political clout to give trouble to V.V.Mineral, their business competitor.

From the beginning his allegation is illegal mining. The DGM letter which establish that there is no lease to Southern Enterprises. But his allegation is only against V.V.Mineral.

To Usurp VVM Customers, Dhayadevadas make false complaints - Here is the document

Their letter dated 29.07.89 addressed to one Korean customer. Along with the letter he enclose copy of letter received from Director Geology and Mining, addressed to one M.P. R.Dhanuskodi Athithan in which the DGM mentioned that total 4 mining leases in Tamilnadu granted

1) Kumari Minerals
2) Beach Mineral Sand Company
3) & 4) T. Manikam

In the above said letter he asked to capture the V.V.Mineral customer telling that V.V.Mineral is doing illegal mining without any mining lease, as V.V.Mineral name is not reflected in DGM letter. While clarifying to the Korean customer V.V.Mineral mentioned that for trading and export no mining lease is required and southern Enterprises (owned by Dhayadevadas) name also not mentioned in the DGM list. 

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

VV Mineral paid royalty and transported 98 Lakhs M.Ton from 2000 to 2013 with valid transport permit through there is no need to get permit

VV Mineral competitors who involved large scale illegal mining and determined the mining leases for various violations, to damage VV Mineral, simply file a PIL through their henchmen with wild allegations and arrange to publish the same in media through some paid news reporters by making wild allegations against State and Central government officials also. Their main aim is to prejudice the judiciary and to make fear in the minds of State and Central Govt., officials. So they publish the same, whenever some cases are listed for hearing. In fact, our competitors have send complaint more than 40 times, every time either State Govt., or State and Central Govt., officials jointly inspected, verified the records and submitted report that all the allegations are false.

In fact, VV Mineral securely keep the monazite under the institutional control of AERB. This has been confirmed by the Honorable Minister. The entire product of VV Mineral are exported through Tuticorin Port. Hence if the export figures are obtained from Tuticorin Customs, we can find out the exact quantity of mineral exported. All the transport permit details with permit number quantity etc., for 98 lakhs M.Tons from 2000-01 to 2013 are available with VV Mineral. This will establish how much we have been transported with valid transport permit and how much balance quantity available with VV Mineral.

Once the minerals are removed from the earth on payment of royalty, the State Govt., has no control over the same. This has been confirmed by the Honorable Supreme Court in Tamilnadu State Vs. Kaveri Chetty case. Hence the Govt., cannot control the minerals removed from Mine and transported with valid transport permit to VV Mineral factories.

Like that for sale of mineral, there is no need of transport permit - This has been confirmed by the Seven Star enterprises Vs. District Collector Karur case by the Madras High Court division bench.

VVM's total export is only 62 Lakhs M.Ton. Balance 36 Lakhs M.Ton royalty suffered material is with VVM

In the approved mining plan itself, the lessee has to mention the method of mining and the method of processing etc., which was duly approved by Govt., of India itself. In the MCR, 2016, it is specifically mentioned that in case the minerals are processed outside the lease area, the royalty to be paid for ROM by calculating the heavy mineral percentage.  The above said rule further specify that, while transporting the mineral from the lease area, the lessee has pay the royalty for tentative quantity and at the time of finalization of royalty accounts in the year end, the difference of royalty to be remitted. Hence in case any variation in terms of royalty, it has to be collected at the time of settlement of royalty account at year ending. Moreover the royalty accounts will be scrutinized by the Accountant General and if he found any short collection, it will be collected from the lessee as directed by the Accountant General. 

All the VV Mineral mining leases are within the CRZ area. Hence Govt., of India impose a condition that, the processing plant should be outside the CRZ area. Accordingly VV Mineral erected the processing plants outside the CRZ area and remit royalty well in advance. From 2000 to 2013 VV Mineral transported total 98 Lakhs M.Tons of heavy mineral sands with valid transport permit to their processing plants. Till now they have exported only 62 Lakhs M.Ton alone and other quantities are available in the factories itself. Since these all are royalty suffered materials, the ownership goes to the lessee according to the Supreme Court Judgement in Kaveri Chetti case.

Due to Business rivalry, the people who could not able to compete with VV Mineral in terms of quality will make false complaints against VV Mineral. Whenever such complaints were received, the authorities will enquire about the same and reject the complaints.

Monday, 26 March 2018

The royalty is only for mineral not for raw sand - Govt., of India confirmation - Here is proof

As per the provisions of Section 9 of MMDR Act, 1957 royalty is payable at the rate prescribed in second schedule of the said Act only for the processed minerals and not for the residuary sand.  This statutory fact has been confirmed  by Govt. of India to the District Collector who in turn has communicated the same to the Commissioner of Geology and Mining.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

There is no violation by beach mineral industries - Reply in the parliament confirm the same

When approaching for study of replenishment of minerals, Atomic Minerals division (AMD) and National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) replied that, they have no facility to carryout the replenishable study. Hence the preliminary study was carried out by the former State Director of Geology and Mining and again studied through Madras University and the reports were submitted to IBM for their reference.

There is no provision either in the MMDR Act or Rules framed thereunder or the mining lease deed to fix up the quantity of mineral permitted to  mine from a particular mine. The only requirement is the mineral consumed or transported should be royalty suffered under section 9 of MMDR Act. Moreover even if the mining quantity is more than the quantity mentioned in the approved mining plan, this does not comes under the purview of illegal mining. In case mining operation is carried out in a non lease hold area, then only it amounts illegal mining. In case, the production is more than the tentative quantity mentioned in the approved mining plan above the tolerance limit of 20% and if the lessee failed to get modified mining plan, it amounts violation of MCDR, 1988 and it does amounts illegal mining. This has been confirmed by the Honourable Minister in the Parliament.  Relevant portion is given below.

Friday, 23 March 2018

Beach Mineral Replinishable Mining is a permissible activity - Govt., of India High Level Committee report copy

Based on a complaint from Mr.Dhayadevadas, with a view to finding out the truth whether the beach minerals are replenishable or not in nature, Govt. of India constituted a committee under the Chairmanship of Mr.Nagar, Chairman (Retd), IREL and officials from AMD, NIOT, NIO and State Geological officials from Tamilnadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh.  The committee held several rounds of discussions and inspections and submitted a report to Govt of India.   According to their findings, it has been established that the beach sand minerals are replenishable in nature.   Besides, the report says that it is not an offence if the replenishable resources are legitimately exploited within their leasehold areas.  The report further enlightens the fact that it is not physically possible to make the precise quantification of the replenishable resources and even if any attempt is made to do so, it will not be an accurate one.  The report further recommends that the private consultancy of technically competent group may be entrusted with the responsibility of evaluation of replenishable beach minerals at regular intervals namely season to season.   Excerpts from Chapter-III of the above report is given below.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

We regret having carried a one sided report - New Indian Express, Cochin Clarified

New Indian Express published a wrong news based on the inputs from one of our Company VV Mineral’s competitor from Kerala. By seeing the same, Mr.S.Vaikundarajan, Managing Director of VV Mineral send clarification about the news with relevant proofs and links. After verifying the fact Indian Express issued Clarification on 21.03.2018 in 6th page.

They further mentioned that, “we regret having carried a one sided report”.  Thus Indian Express established that, they are keeping the ethics of the Journalism.  Our best wishes to  New Indian Express, Kerala. The clarification news and link is given below.

What ever mineral deposited in the lease area, VVM can mine - Govt., of India confirmation

Since these Beach Minerals are replenishable beach placers, the lessee can collect all the minerals irrespective of thickness and number of days and the only requirement is, the quantity etc., should be declared in the monthly return submitted by the lessee – This has been confirmed by Govt., of India, Deputy Controller of Mines, Indian Bureau of Mines, which is given below.

The State Govt., has no power to control beach minerals - It is with Central Government

Mining leases are granted under the provisions of MMDR Act. If it is major minerals, the lease should be granted in accordance with the rules framed by Govt., of India. If it is First Schedule Mineral for all the activities Central Govt., approval is required. Since at the time of grant of mining lease to VV Mineral, Ilmenite, Rutile etc., are First Schedule Mineral. Hence prior approval from Govt., of India have  been obtained by the State Government and Central Government imposed necessary conditions in terms of monazite which were complied by VV Mineral as well as other lessees. The State Govt., has the power to frame rule or notify policy only in terms of minor minerals such blue metal, granite stone, gravel sand etc., These beach minerals all are First Schedule Minerals and hence it comes under the Central Government control. Hence the State Govt., cannot even frame rule or policy for these First Schedule minerals.

According to section 5(2)(b) of MMDR Act, for grant of mining lease, a mining plan duly approved by Govt., of India is mandatory.  The above said mining plans will contain various details such as the method of processing and method of mining etc., in addition to the tentative production plan for first five years. The above quantity is only tentative and 20% variation will be permissible, if the variation is above 20%, then a modified mining plan to be obtained from Govt., of India.

The mining plans are prepared by the Recognized Qualified Persons (RQP) from the list approved by Govt., of India. The qualification and experience of the RQPs are given in Rule 22(C) of MC Rules, 1960 duly notified by Govt., of India. The mining plans prepared by the qualified RQPs are approved by Govt., of India under the provisions of MCDR, 1988. No powers have been delegated under the above said rules to any state government authority. The above powers are vested with Central Govt., authorities. Moreover since these all replenishable  beach placers, deposited due to wind and wave action, no one cannot calculate the exact quantity of the minerals deposited. The quantity may vary due to various factors. The above all details were given in the mining plan and approvals are obtained from Govt., of India. 

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

VV Mineral and 3 other companies are permitted to store monazite under the control of Central Government - Minister reply in Parliament

VV Mineral have been advised to store the monazite rich tailings in separate trench under the institutional control of AERB. The above fact of the guidelines issued by AERB / Atomic Energy Department have been placed on the floor of the parliament by the Honourable Minister which is given below.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Recently Modi enter MOU with Japan Government for Technology of monazite

Though India has no technology to produce rare earth from monazite and DAE’s technology also failed, India is importing large quantity of rare earth elements year by year. After the Honourable Prime Minister Mr.Modi Government assume charges they want to reduce rare earth import to save foreign exchange outgo.   Accordingly Modi Government enter MOU with Japan Government for this technology and Japan company Toyota erected one factory in Visakapatinam of Andhra Pradesh, with IREL supplying the raw material.

Consequent upon deletion of Ilmenite, Rutile, Zircon, etc., from the list of atomic minerals, the Atomic Energy department has issued guidelines to obtain only a license from AERB regarding radiation and not any license from the Atomic Energy Department.  As per another condition imposed by Atomic Energy Department, it is mandatory that the lessees should employ trained technical personnel certified by AERB to meet any exigency of radiation in their plants as Radiological Safety Officer (RSO).   Furthermore, depending on the percentage of monazite content in the placer minerals monazite contained residuary sand should be used for refilling the pits at the mine sites or preserved and stored safely in separate trenches under the institutional control of AERB.

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Simple rules for beach minerals introduced by Shri. Vajpayee increase the export earnings. So Congress Govt., also through planning commission ease the rules for beach minerals

Subsequently, with a view to attracting foreign investment on placer mineral mining in India, the High level committee of the Planning Commission of India recommended to delist Ilmenite, Rutile, Zircon, Leucoxene which are not used for production of Atomic Energy or Research from the list of prescribed substances. Consequently, in 2005 the DAE convened a plenary session meeting of all the lessees of beach sand minerals in India along with all the State Govt., officers.   The above two recommendation of the Planning Commission  were accepted by DAE and accordingly they de-list Ilmenite, Rutile, Zircon, Leucoxene from the list of prescribed substances.

Govt., of India created Atomic Minerals Division (AMD) exclusively for conducting geological exploration for evaluating the reserves of Atomic Minerals with particular reference to the contents of Uranium and Thorium in all the areas like coastal and inland.  AMD studied all the areas in Tamilnadu which shows the fact that the monazite content is less than half a percent in East Coast and a detailed report in the form of a book was also released.  

The regulatory measures with regard to exploitation of monazite by private people were evolved by Atomic Energy department only to protect the general public from the radiation effect.   However, IREL which had the monopolistic right to exploit the monazite as per the guidelines of Atomic Energy Department too were engaged in export of these minerals.   Since there were no restrictions or control in foreign countries in respect of handling of monazite and consequently even private enterprises were allowed to process monazite in their countries, the price of monazite got dwindled drastically in foreign market.  Since there was no demand for Indian monazite abroad, IREL stopped processing and export of monazite in 2004 itself.   

Saturday, 17 March 2018

கதிரியக்கம் பற்றிய உண்மைகள்

நாட்டின் வளர்ச்சிக்கு முதுகெலும்பாக அமைந்துள்ளது தாது மணல் தொழில். இது ஏராளமான நபர்களுக்கு வேலை வாய்ப்பு வழங்குவதோடு இந்திய அரசுக்கு அந்நிய செலவாணியும் ஈட்டி தருகிறது. ஆனால் சில தொழிற்போட்டியாளர்கள் மற்றும் அந்நிய நிறுவனங்களிடம் கைக்கூலி பெற்றவர்கள், ஊடகங்கள் எல்லாம் சேர்ந்து இந்த தொழிலுக்கு எதிராக ஒரு பொய் பிரச்சாரத்தை கட்டவிழ்த்து விட்டுள்ளன. அதில் முக்கியமானது இந்த தாது மணல் தொழில் கதிரியக்கத்தை வெளியிடும். இதனால் பொது மக்கள் பாதிக்கப்படுவார்கள் என்பது ஆகும். உண்மையில் இது கதிரியக்கத்தை வெளியிடாது. கதிரியக்கம் தொடர்பான எந்த பொருளும் தாது மணல் உற்பத்தியாளர்களாளோ தொழிலாளர்களாளோ உற்பத்தி செய்து ஏற்றுமதி செய்யப்படுவதில்லை. கதிரியக்கம் பொதுப்படையாக எல்லா நிலையிலும் வரும். குறிப்பிட்ட உணவு பொருட்களிலும் கதிரியக்கம் உள்ளது. கதிரியக்கத்தின் மூல காரண கர்த்தா சூரியன். கடல் மட்டத்தில் இருந்து மேலே செல்ல செல்ல மனிதன் கதிரியக்க பாதிப்பை அதிகமாக உள்வாங்குகிறான். இவ்வாறு கதிரியக்கம் பற்றி விரிவான தகவல்களை அமெரிக்காவின் டெக்சாஸ் பல்கலைக்கழகம்  நடத்திய கதிரியக்கம் பற்றி விழிப்புணர்வு கருத்தரங்கத்தில் தெளிவாக குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளார்கள். அவர்கள் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளத்தில் இன்னொரு முக்கிய அம்சம், மனிதனால் ஏற்படுத்தப்படும் கதிரியிக்க காரணிகளில் தாது மணல் சுரங்க தொழிலோ, தாது மணல் உற்பத்தியோ, தரம் பிரித்தலோ வராது. ஒரு நிலக்கரியை வைத்து மின்சாரம் தயாரிக்கும் தொழிற்சாலையில் உற்பத்தியாகும் நிலக்கரி குப்பையில் உள்ள கதிரியக்கம் மிக அதிகம். இவ்வாறு நல்ல பல தகவல்கள் உள்ளன. எனவே இது தொழிலாளர்களுக்கும் தெரிய வேண்டும். தொழிலாளர்கள் இதனை அனைவருக்கும் தெரியப்படுத்த வேண்டும் என்ற நல்ல நோக்கத்தில் டெக்சாஸ் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில் வெளியிட்ட கதிரியக்கம் தொடர்பான கட்டுரை கீழே கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இதன் தமிழ் ஆக்கம் ஒவ்வொரு நாளும் நமது முகநூலிலும் வெளியிடப்படும்.